EnviroSir is an enhanced Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (S.I.R.) product that will provide the following benefits:
  1. Significantly reduce retail site labour required for Manual Inventory Reconciliation and eliminate time required for communication of results to head office and fuel order.
  2. Eliminate management labour required to communicate with and review individual site reconciliation results to determine valid problem sites.
  3. Eliminate yearly audit requirements for manual inventory reconciliation.
  4. Significantly reduce the human error associated to manual inventory reconciliation.
  5. Provides a daily inventory report, including and accurate estimate of time the inventory will last.
  6. Provide a daily report directly to head office detailing each site that does not meet with regulatory guidelines. This report will also make suggestions as to possible problems associated to each site.
  7. Significantly reduce required training for on site personnel while insuring a consistent inventory reconciliation program for all sites.
  8. Reduce the cost associated to regulatory compliance while minimizing the risk associated to site contamination.

EnviroSir Procedures

The following procedures are for a site that has a computer complete with a modem and either Windows 95 or 98 operating system.

As each site is registered with EnviroSir the on site computer is loaded with the required software, the designated personnel are trained and the previous sixty days of inventory data is loaded into the site computer.

If the on site system is leak free the previous data may be used to generate and accurate tank chart for each tank. The resulting tank chart will help eliminate errors resulting from tank tilt, tank deformation and manufacturing inconsistencies.

  • On site personnel enter individual Tank Dips, individual Meter Reads and received Deliveries into the onsite EnviroSir computer program.
  • After the on site computer entries are completed a send command in the software is activated. The EnviroSir software utilizes the Internet to communicate all information.
  • The information is then exchanged with the EnviroSir server for the previous day's reconciliation information. The on site computer stores reconciliation reports and resulting evaluation information on an ongoing basis. The reconciliation reports include all information required to insure complete site regulatory compliance.
  • The daily information received by the EnviroSir server is then analyzed to ascertain information validity and then it is processed to determine the trends that this information identifies. The EnviroSir system evaluates the valid information to produce a variance (percentage) comparison to sales, a statistically evaluated volume differential and an hourly leak rate that can be compared to established EPA standards for precision tank test evaluations.
  • All sites not in regulatory compliance are then evaluated by a EnviroSir technician and a report is generated for the customer contact.
  • EnviroSir forwards a daily inventory report to the fuel distribution organization responsible for each site. This report includes a time evaluation as to how long the inventory will last in comparison to the previous weeks sales (Optional Feature).
  • If required EnviroSir can forward a copy of the exception report generated for the head office to a third party service company for direct follow up (Optional Feature).
  • A monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation report is automatically downloaded to each site computer on the first day of the following month.

For more Information:

Our NWGLDE Liststing.

Our KWA 3rd Party Certification Report.

SIR Related EPA Publications.