EPA OUST (Office of Underground
Storage Tanks) Publications
The following, SIR related, EPA OUST
documents are stored in Adobe Acrobat® PDF (Portable
Document Format) format . These documents have a
"PDF" file extension. You need the Acrobat®
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- Doing
Inventory Control Right for Underground Storage Tanks
(EPA 510-B-93-004, November 1993)
This 17-page booklet describes inventory control methods
that can be used to help owners and operators of
underground storage tank (UST) systems meet federal
regulatory leak detection requirements. The booklet
provides a step-by-step process for inventory control
that is clear and easy to follow.
Publications About UST Requirements
This list, updated for 1999, is also known as
"PUBLIST.99". This two-page flyer lists
publications and videos available through the National
Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) at http://www.epa.gov/ncepihom/.
- Getting
The Most Out Of Your Automatic Tank Gauging System (EPA-510-F-98-011, March 1998)
Tri-fold leaflet provides UST owners and operators with a
basic checklist they can use to make sure their automatic
tank gauging systems work effectively. As a compliance
assistance tool, the leaflet focuses on what actions the
UST owner and operator must take to comply with leak
detection requirements and prevent significant cleanup
- Introduction
to Statistical Inventory Reconciliation: For Underground
Storage Tanks (EPA 510-B-95-009,
September 1995)
This 12-page booklet provides basic information on this
leak detection method.
- Leak
Detection Fact Sheet #1 (EPA-510-F-98-012,
March 1998)
This two-page fact sheet identifies which UST systems
installed before December 22, 1998 need to have monthly
monitoring leak detection by December 23, 1998.
- Manual
Tank Gauging for Small Underground Storage Tanks (EPA 510-B-93-005, November 1993)
This 12-page booklet explains the Federal and state laws
require that underground storage tanks (USTs) to be
equipped with leak detection systems. Although much
attention has been focused on large USTs, it is important
that leaks from smaller tanks (generally less than 2,000
gallons of capacity) also have leak detection systems.
This booklet provides simple, easy to follow,
step-by-step directions for the correct way to conduct
manual tank gauging for these smaller tanks.
- Musts
for USTs: A Summary of the Federal Regulations for
Underground Storage Tank Systems (EPA 510-K-95-002)
This 40-page booklet summarizes Federal UST requirements
for installation, release detection, spill, overfill, and
corrosion protection, corrective action, closure,
reporting and recordkeeping.
- Ordering
Information on Underground Storage Tanks (EPA 510-F-98-016, August 1998)
This 4-fold leaflet describes free UST informational
leaflets and booklets, as well as several videos
available for a fee.
- Straight
Talk On Tanks: Leak Detection Methods for Petroleum
Underground Storage Tanks and Piping (EPA 510-B-97-007, September 1997)
This 28-page booklet, which has been newly updated,
provides easy-to-understand descriptions of several leak
detection methods for tanks and piping, as well as
explanations of the regulatory requirements for leak
detection. Leak detection methods include: secondary
containment with interstitial monitoring, automatic tank
gauging, vapor monitoring, groundwater monitoring,
statistical inventory control, tank tightness testing
with inventory control, and manual tank gauging.
- Underground
Storage Tank Program: Regional and State Contacts (EPA 510-F-98-014, April 1998)
An eight-page brochure that lists Regional and State
UST/LUST program addresses, phone numbers, and web site
- Underground
Storage Tanks: Requirements and Options (EPA 510-F-97-005, June 1997)
A leaflet directed to nonmarketers of petroleum that
provides you with a quick overview of your
responsibilities and choices for complying with Federal
UST regulations. The leaflet also provides a selected
list of relevant publications and other sources of
information about USTs.